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Mandatorily Published Information

1. Name:
Czech Agriculture and Food Inspection Authority
2. Reason and method of establishment:
The Czech Agriculture and Food Inspection Authority (CAFIA) is a body of public administration subordinate to the Ministry of Agriculture of the CR. It has been established by the Act No. 146/2002, Coll., on the Czech Agriculture and Food Inspection Authority, as amended.
The main subject of CAFIA activities is inspection of both natural and legal persons placing on the market agricultural products, foodstuffs or raw materials for their production or tobacco products in the extent laid down by legislation. The Act on Foodstuffs and Tobacco Products and its implementing Decrees are the most significant pieces of legislation. The scope and implementation of CAFIA inspections correspond to the principles of food inspection in the European Union.
3. Organisational structure:
4. Contacts:
5. Contact postal address:
6. Address of the Authority for personal visit:
7. Hours of Attendance:
All Inspectorates are available from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.
8. Phone Numbers:
9. Fax Numbers:
10. Website Address:
11. Filling Office Address:
12. Further Electronic Addresses:
To contact the CAFIA Spokesperson:
To contact the Head of the Unit for Communication with Consumers
For further inquiries or comments on the websites
For further inquiries or comments on application
13. Possible Payments Can Be Sent to:
Bank Account Number
19-26927621/0710 (CNB)
14. ID:
15. VAT ID:
CZ 75014149
16. List of Fundamental Documents:
17. Budget:
18. Request for Information:
19. Acceptance of Request and Further Submissions:
Food business operators can ask for confirmation whether he/she is kept in the CAFIA records and whether inspections are carried out in his/her premises. These requests are sent in writing or electronically to the Inspectorate with local responsibility according to the seat of the company or the premises. The form is available here. (Request for provision of information on records or performance of inspections). (in Czech language only)
20. Legal Remedies:
Pursuant to Section 5 Para 1 and 2 of Act No. 146/2002 Coll., on the Czech Agriculture and Food Inspection Authority, as amended, the inspected person may raise objections to the measure imposed by the inspector (e.g. ban on placing foodstuffs failing to comply with requirements of legislation on the market). The objections shall be sent to the Director of the respective Inspectorate by 3 days from the familiarization with the imposed measure. The objections have no suspensive effect.
The Director of the Inspectorate decides on the objections by 3 working days since they were delivered at the latest. The decision of the Director on the objections is final, however, the right to apply for examination by court is thus not affected.
In compliance with provision of Section 17 of Act No. 552/1991 Coll., on State Inspection, as amended, the inspected person may raise objections to the protocol on inspection. The objections are submitted in written form by 5 days from the familiarization with the protocol and they have to be reasoned.
The inspector that carried out the inspection decides on the objections. A decision is issued in case the objections are accepted in their full extent. If the inspector does not accept the objections, he submits them to the Director of the Inspectorate by 7 days at the latest for decision. There is no legal remedy against the decision on objections.
Appeal against the decision of the Director of the Inspectorate issued within administrative procedure shall be submitted in written form to the Director General via the respective Inspectorate by 15 days since delivery of the Decision.
21. Forms:
22.: Description of Procedures – Instruction for Resolving Life Situations:
See the relevant section of websites
23. The Most Frequently Applied Legislation:
Act No. 146/2002 Coll., on the Czech Agriculture and Food Inspection Authority, as amended

Act No. 552/1991 Coll., on State Inspection, as amended

Act No. 110/1997 Coll., on Foodstuffs and Tobacco Products, as amended

Act No. 321/2004 Coll., on Viniculture and Viticulture, as amended

Act No. 634/1992 Coll., on Consumers’ protection, as amended

Act No. 106/1999 Coll., on Free Access to Information, as amended

Regulation of the European Parliament and Council (EC) No.852/2004 of 29. April 2004 on food hygiene

Regulation of the European Parliament and Council (EC) No.178/2002 on 28. January 2002, laying down the general principles and requirements of food, establishing the European Food Safety Authority and laying down procedures in matters of food safety

Regulation of the European Parliament and Council (EC) No.882/2004 of 29. April 2004 on official controls performed to ensure the verification of compliance with feed and food law, animal health and animal welfare rules

The national legislation is published in the Law Collection and on CAFIA websites, directly binding EC legislation is available on Eurlex websites: It is possible to consult the printed versions in office hours at the CAFIA Headquarters.
24. Price Tariff for Provision of Information
25. Resolution of the Superior Authority on the Amount of Compensation for Provision of Information
During the last two years, the superior authority has not issued any resolutions on the amount of compensation in case of a complaint or an appeal.
26. Annual Report Pursuant to No. 106/1999 Coll.: