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Privacy Policy


Summaries of demographics and data of interest of Google Analytics were implemented into the websites of the Czech Agriculture and Food Inspection Authority in order to extent the statistics of the visit rate of CAFIA websites

Using the Ads Settings, visitors can opt out of Google Analytics for Display Advertising and customise Google Display Network ads.


For the website to function properly, it is sometimes necessary to place small data files, known as cookies, on your device.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that websites store on your computer or mobile device when you start using the website. In this way, the site remembers your preferences and the actions you have taken on them (e.g. login data, language, font size and other display preferences) for a certain period of time, so you do not have to enter these data again when you switch from one page to another.

Which cookies does the website use?

In the table you will find a description of the cookies that are used on the website.

Cookie consent settings

We use the following types of cookies during your visits. You give us consent to use all or only selected types. You can edit your previously granted consents here.

Name Suggestion Expiration Who has access Description
ASP.NET_SessionId Cannot be blocked Session Preserve the visitor's session state across page requests.
BF Cannot be blocked Session Allows you to switch the text version site.
gcc_necessary Cannot be blocked 1 year Contains settings for which cookies are allowed to be used.
gcc_analytics Cannot be blocked 1 year Contains settings for which cookies are allowed to be used.
gcc_personalization Cannot be blocked 1 year Contains settings for which cookies are allowed to be used.
__utm.gif Possible to block Session Google Analytics measurement code that records details about the visitor's browser and computer.
__utma Possible to block 2 years It collects data on how many times the user has visited the website, as well as data for the first and most recent visit. Used by Google Analytics.
__utmb Possible to block 30 minutes Registers a timestamp with the exact time the user accessed the website. It uses Google Analytics to calculate the duration of the website visit.
__utmc Possible to block Session Registers a timestamp with the exact time the user leaves the site. It uses Google Analytics to calculate the duration of the website visit.
__utmt Possible to block 10 minutes Google Analytics is used for advanced user identification.
__utmz Possible to block 6 months It collects data about where the user came from, what search engine was used, what link was clicked and what search term was used. Used by Google Analytics.
CONSENT Cannot be blocked. 2 years It is used to determine whether the visitor has accepted the marketing category in the cookie banner. This cookie is necessary for the website to comply with the GDPR.
CONSENT Cannot be blocked. 2 years Google Analytics measurement code that records details about the visitor's browser and computer.
rc::a Cannot be blocked. Permanently This cookie is used to distinguish between humans and robots. This is beneficial for websites to provide valid reports about their website usage.
rc::c Cannot be blocked. Session This cookie is used to distinguish between humans and robots.
collect Possible to block Session It is used to send data to Google Analytics about the visitor's device and behavior. Tracks visitors across devices and marketing channels.
VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE Possible to block 6 months This cookie is used by YouTube to calculate bandwidth for users.
YSC Possible to block 6 months Registers a unique ID to keep statistics on what YouTube videos the user has seen.
yt.innertube::nextId Possible to block Permanently Registers a unique ID to keep statistics on what YouTube videos the user has seen.
yt.innertube::requests Possible to block Permanently Registers a unique ID to keep statistics on what YouTube videos the user has seen.
ytidb::LAST_RESULT_ENTRY_KEY Possible to block Permanently Stores the user's video player preferences using an embedded YouTube video.
yt-remote-cast-available Possible to block Session Stores the user's video player preferences using an embedded YouTube video.
yt-remote-cast-installed Possible to block Session Stores the user's video player preferences using an embedded YouTube video.
yt-remote-connected-devices Possible to block Permanently Stores the user's video player preferences using an embedded YouTube video.
yt-remote-device-id Possible to block Permanently Stores the user's video player preferences using an embedded YouTube video.
yt-remote-fast-check-period Possible to block Session Stores the user's video player preferences using an embedded YouTube video.
yt-remote-session-app Possible to block Session Stores the user's video player preferences using an embedded YouTube video.
yt-remote-session-name Possible to block Session Stores the user's video player preferences using an embedded YouTube video.