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CAFIA Control Activities

On 1st July 2009, Decree No.169/2009 Coll., which amended Decree No. 326/2001 Coll., for meat, meat products, fish, other aquatic animals and their products, eggs and their products, as amended by later regulations, came into effect. This amendment includes a number of modifications, so our Authority decided to give its opinion on the application of at least one of the amended points during control activities - the provisions of § 15 Paragraph 1 - which now states that:
"Unwrapped cut meat products must be sold within 24 hours after cutting. For consumers, the packaging date and time when they were cut, must be stated on the packaging."
The provisions of the second sentence of § 15 Paragraph 1 of the said Decree "For the consumer, the packaging date and time of cutting must be stated on the packaging" will not be enforced by CAFIA when inspecting food retail operators.
In the case that unwrapped food is offered for sale, Act No. 110/1997 Coll., On Foodstuffs and Tobacco Products, as amended, does not stipulate the material in which the foodstuff must be wrapped (bag, paper, film, etc.) when it is passed from the seller to the customer, meaning that the labelling of the packaging with information laid down by this law and the requirements of the aforementioned Decree go beyond the rules on the Act on Foodstuffs.
According to § 8, Paragraph 2, the operator, where the food is offered for sale directly to the consumer, must display at least a written statement pursuant to § 6, Paragraph 1, Point. b), c), d) or e), k), l) and n), and other information required by the implementing legislation in a visible place. Therefore, this duty does not extend to labelling the food packaging.
